Did you choose Cranfield because of our world-class research and teaching? A diverse range of students from around the globe? Our close working links to business and industry? Our world-class programmes? Or something else?

Alumni and friends can make a significant difference to the lives of students and to the work of Cranfield, no matter what the size of the gift. It鈥檚 not only Cranfield students who benefit, everyone鈥檚 lives are impacted by the University in some way. Our research is playing a vital role in the development of safe airspace, reducing the effects of climate change, producing smarter, more efficient manufacturing plants, and improving gender equality.

Click below to discover more about our current campaigns.

Tomorrow. Brighter.

Tomorrow. Brighter. aims to build on Cranfield’s strengths as a specialist postgraduate University, harnessing its world-class talent, trailblazing research, cutting-edge innovation, and global partnerships to create a new generation of leaders in technology and management.

2020 was a year of disruption beyond our wildest imagination. For many of us, the coronavirus pandemic is the biggest crisis we have experienced in our lifetime. Systems which we'd never previously questioned were disrupted within a matter of weeks, with cracks and fault lines brought harshly in to the light. 

However, challenges also bring opportunities. Now, we have the greatest opportunity to work together to build resilience and drive innovation to withstand future crises and make our world a brighter place. 

 Tomorrow. Brighter. aims to:

  • Build expertise that transcends borders and solves global challenges – accelerate Cranfield’s world-class research to tackle the global issues magnified by the pandemic and develop inter-connected solutions to some of our greatest challenges.
  • Develop tomorrow’s leaders who will change the world – support our students with scholarships to ensure Cranfield can compete with peer institutions and continue attracting and harnessing the best and the brightest minds.
  • Innovate to transform learning for today, and tomorrow – develop the digital infrastructure and resources, which the last few months have proved to be vital, to recreate the unique Cranfield experience online and provide best-in-class digital learning.
  • Incubate ideas and power the future of business – establish Cranfield as a powerhouse for entrepreneurs offering a range of grants, funds and entrepreneurial resources and expertise to help early-stage businesses set up by Cranfield students and community.

Gifts of any size to Tomorrow. Brighter.are very much appreciated and will collectively make a difference. Your support can fund ground-breaking research, nurture tomorrow’s talent by providing scholarships, help develop digital learning programmes to compete with the world’s leading institutions on a global scale, and support business growth and entrepreneurship initiatives, harnessing, and amplifying the reach of the Cranfield alumni network.

To find out more about the campaign, please browse the campaign website.

NFLC Campaign

The NFLC Flying Classroom aircraft is a vital national asset that supports thousands of students in realising their ambitions of becoming aerospace engineers and aviation leaders, as well as carrying out transformational research. However, the time has come for a new aircraft that will enable us to continue to deliver world-class aerospace education and research.

Together we can…

  • Help prepare students to lead in an increasingly complex world.
  • Create an environment that supports insight and innovation.
  • Attract new talent to the aviation industry.
  • Improve work processes and technologies.
  • Tackle challenges such as aircraft emissions and climate change.

We have already achieved over two-thirds of our £3 million fundraising target, but we still need your support to achieve the target.

The remaining funding is needed in order to complete the modifications of the aircraft to support the next generation of aero-engineers and aviation leaders. Being larger than the Jetstream 31, the Saab 340B will allow the NFLC to accommodate more students on each flight, and create new research capabilities and collaboration opportunities as it will be fitted with the technical equipment necessary to test the boundaries of aviation.

It is our responsibility - as alumni and friends of Cranfield - to ensure that the NFLC remains at the forefront of aerospace technology, discovery, and education. Please help tomorrow’s aerospace leaders benefit from a unique education, foster research partnerships, and enhance the reputation of Cranfield, and our students.

To find out more about the campaign, please browse the campaign website.

Make your gift today

You can  through our secure online donation form.

There are a number of different giving options on the donation form so you can support the area you feel most passionate about.

And remember, as Cranfield is a registered charity, if you are a UK taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid on your donation. This means that we can reclaim 25% (based on tax year 2020/21) from HM Revenue and Customs and make your donation go further.

We are deeply grateful for the generous support of our alumni and friends.