Squad profile downloads

Download Climate Change hero squad profiles

Download Future Transport hero squad profiles

Download International Alliance hero squad profiles

Download Sustainability hero squad profiles

Engineering heroes worksheet downloads

Download Key Stage 1 Worksheet (aimed at ages 4-7)

Download Key Stage 2 Worksheet (aimed at ages 7-11)

Download Key Stage 3 Worksheet (aimed at ages 11-14)

Uploading work for the exhibition

Adults can upload work and provide consent for entering the exhibition.

All new heroes joining our alliance (by submitting their work for the exhibition) will receive a unique squad membership number!

We won’t be displaying any personal details of you or your child(ren). Our consent and upload form explains this all to you.

If you are a schoolteacher, or group leader, you must ensure you have obtained consent from all parents prior to visiting the upload form.

Need to know more?

You can contact us at a cranfieldcommunity@cranfield.ac.uk for enquiries – STEM rules OK!