The latest developments in materials, manufacturing and digital technologies need to be integrated and synergised to achieve the target of a 30% reduction or more of the mass contribution of aircraft landing gears.
  • Dates1 January 2024-31 December 2025
  • SponsorAirbus
  • PartnersAirbus

The aim of this project is to achieve the mass reduction target by exploring and developing optimised hybrid materials and structures for sustainable next-generation aircraft landing gears through synergetic multidisciplinary research in materials, manufacturing, structural integrity, numerical modelling and digital technologies. This is achieved by identifying gaps through critical assessment of the state-of-the-art current aircraft landing gear engineering and research activities. Exploration and development of integrated and optimised hybrid materials and manufacturing technologies for lighter and more sustainable aircraft landing gears will also be conducted.

Further to this, a novel design and maintenance technologies for lighter and more sustainable aircraft landing gears will be investigated. Finally, to demonstrate the viability of the proposed mass reduction technologies, case studies and life-cycle analyses will be conducted.

Progress update

Critical assessment of the state-of-the-art aircraft landing gears and research activities to identify gaps and potential mass reduction technologies has been conducted. This involves understanding the science, engineering and technologies behind the material selection, design, manufacturing and maintenance process.