Build your capability to outline a meaningful future direction for an organisation.

Organisations are complex systems which require strategic leadership to become, and remain, successful. Leaders are increasingly expected to model an ambidextrous approach to handling the challenges inherent in managing organisations. In the volatile context of modern business, the ability to utilise strategic thinking for competitive advantage is a valuable skill for every leader.

The Strategic Thinking online course introduces the main principles of strategic thinking. You will learn the foundations of complexity thinking, explore the strategic challenge of balancing innovation and efficiency, and start to address some the key strategic questions applicable for every organisation. As you consider the actions and assets available to you as a leader, you will begin to move your organisation in a more strategic direction.

Programme information – Online

  • DurationApproximately 20-24 hours of study, plus reflection activities
  • LocationOnline
  • Cost£950

Module dates

Modules 1 and 2

Immediate online access to self-paced learning.

Module 3

Next live online sessions: 31 October and 7 November (9:00 - 14:00)

Please note: both Module 3 dates must be attended. Bookings will automatically be enrolled on the next available live online session.  The option to change to a later date is available after booking is completed.

Concessions available

Cranfield alumni can claim a 20% discount via .

Who is this for?

Anyone who is, or aspires to be, in a leadership position and involved in the strategic decision-making process for an organisation.

Programme impacts

  • Develop the strategic skills to create a meaningful future direction for your organisation.
  • Elevate your strategic leadership capabilities with the use of strategy tools and analysis.
  • Establish a broad knowledge of the fundamental principles of strategic thinking.
  • Build a powerful understanding of the strategic assets available to both your own organisation and your competitors.
  • Refine your ability to operate in a complex and volatile environment.
  • Create a set of strategic recommendations based on strategic analysis.

Programme structure

This course includes 3 modules:

  • Modules 1 and 2 are online and self-paced, so you choose where and when you learn.
  • Module 3 is live online with peers and Cranfield faculty to embed your knowledge and learnings.

What you'll learn


Module one – Strategic thinking in a complex world

Online self-paced learning (estimated four hours – plus reflection activities)

Explore the tools of strategic analysis and understand the complexity of organisational strategy.

  • Understand the features of complex systems, such as systemic view, non-linearity, episodic change, and emergence.
  • Recognise the leadership challenges posed by complexity, such as control and prediction.
  • Appreciate the challenge of simultaneously ‘exploring’ and ‘exploiting’.
  • Explore how organisations learn and evaluate the concept from your own experiences in organisations.
  • Examine key strategic questions and start to consider how these apply to your organisation.

Module two – Identify and leverage your strategic assets

Online self-paced learning (estimated six hours – plus reflection activities)

Build your knowledge of how to apply strategic thinking to situations and challenges in your organisation, and more broadly in your industry.

  • Analyse the competitive positioning of organisations:

    • Compare perceived user value and price.
    • Understand and apply the customer matrix.
  • Examine key strategies and the required capabilities for each.
  • Assess the categories of strategic assets and the importance of conducting an asset audit.
  • Consider the implications of tacit knowledge and complexity as barriers to imitation.
  • Undertake a strategic assessment of your market: 

    • Industry analysis: five competitive forces.
    • Identification of competitors: a customer perspective.
  • Investigate the value system: profit pools and value capture.

Module three – The application of strategic thinking

Live online (two half days, five hours each – plus reflection activities)

To embed and enhance your learning from the two online modules, you’ll join peers and our expert faculty in a live online environment to advance your understanding of strategic thinking.

  • Appreciate the nuances of applying strategy tools in practice.
  • Understand the contextual and conceptual limitations of basic strategy tools.
  • Apply the complexity leadership perspective and appreciate the notion of adaptive space.
  • Synthesise the results of strategic analysis into a set of strategic recommendations.

Digital Badges and Certificate

On completion of each module, you will be issued with a digital badge that can be displayed on your professional profiles, serving as compelling evidence of your expertise and commitment to staying at the forefront of business and management knowledge.

On successful submission of the final assignment you will receive a certificate of achievement.

Programme Director

Professor Andrey Pavlov

Programme Contributors

Professor Cliff Bowman

How to apply

Next steps

Our team of executive development experts will be happy to talk to you about your development needs, please email us or call +44 (0)1234 754500.