The Innovate UK funded project aimed to develop an IoT-Blockchain-based integrated platform to track and assess cold-chain containers in maritime shipping operations to achieve improved visibility and sustainability.
  • DatesJanuary 2023 to March 2023
  • Sponsor
  • Funded£30,000
  • Partners

The accelerated Knowledge Transfer Partnership (AKTP) project with a business partner- Modular Clinton Global (MCG) Ltd., to develop an IoT-Blockchain-based digital platform in maritime shipping operations to achieve improved visibility and sustainability. Insights generated through interviews with maritime experts, best case studies and secondary data helped to develop a system architecture. This ‘IoT-Blockchain-integrated architecture’ captured product flows and computes the carbon intensity index throughout the maritime journey, enabling transparency and control to maritime service providers. The output from the project (attached report) is expected to support MCG in developing a modular digital platform for implementation in the maritime shipping industry.

Principal Investigator:  Dr Abhijeet Ghadge

Co-Investigator/s: Nam Vu and Yukun Liu

Relevant Information

IoT-Blockchain Integrated Platform for Maritime Shipping Industry Report